[Salon] Israeli Court Rejects Far-right MK's Request to Limit Protests Against Him - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Little wonder the “Far-right,” in Israel and the U.S., hate the Courts when they’re not packed with and by right-wingers, put in office by Oligarchical money. They might actually uphold the public’s right to object and protest the diminution of democratic participation by citizens, as going on in Israel amongst Jewish Israelis right now. With few objections by them to the exclusion of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs from democratic participation, but that’s another matter. But it brings to mind as well the shrieks from the “Right” when a private business owner denies service to a public official when the official is doing all they can to make life miserable for entire groups within society, and excluding groups from the democratic process as much as they can. 

Having Sarah Huckabee Sanders in mind for that, who has no qualms with denying rights to learn “true history,” of the U.S. sweepingly designated as “Critical Race Theory,” so that if a teacher acknowledges and teaches correctly that African Americans (or as Trump portrays them, “Riggers”) didn’t like being in bondage they are “committing a crime” in Arkansas. Her being truly of the “tradition” of the “ Thought Control Conservatives,” as Peter Viereck correctly called what is now self-designated as “Traditional Conservatives.” As supporters of Trump call themselves, in preference to the term “Straussians,” that they are. Right out of the West Coast Straussian bastions of Claremont Institute, Hillsdale College, University of Dallas, and The American Conservative magazine since about 2015-2016. With Trump having stocked his administration with more “Straussians” and “Zionists” than anyone heretofore. And with their ilk the preferred politicians of the “Conservative” Quincy Institute even they to a person support the "Greatest Military Spending” ever (see which politicians they always promote; the most rabid “China War Hawks,” and “Israel Firsters,” at least when the TAC influence is allowed to prevail), The American Conservative magazine (with their National Conservative Zionists whom they so dearly love and promote, and partnership with Hillsdale College), and Catholic University of America who partners with the aforesaid. All self-designated the “New Right,” and passing themselves off as “Right-wing Peaceniks,” to a gullible public. And all the most fanatical of supporters of Israel’s “Far-right” whom they’re in open and full partnership with (look it up :-).

But here’s the “Thought-Control Conservative” Sanders, whose supporters squealed so loudly when she was denied restaurant service, in a polite manner, than what Trump “suggestively” calls “Riggers,” ever will be by her supporters still longing for Jim Crow laws, if they ever get them back. A likelihood made greater by her outlawing the teaching of injustices against African Americans as “Critical Race Theory.” 

Israeli Court Rejects Far-right MK's Request to Limit Protests Against Him - Israel News - Haaretz.com

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Sunday rejected the request by the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee chairman, MK Simcha Rothman, to issue an order characterizing the protest against him as “intimidating harassment,” ruling instead that this is a “legitimate protest that does not upset the balance set forth in rulings.”

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Rothman, a key figure in the judicial overhaul, sought the order to keep away protesters who planned to disrupt his family vacation over the weekend. An initial request filed by Rothman last week was denied, leading to the second hearing held on Sunday.

Judge Naeel Mohana qualified the ruling, stating that given the presence of minors from Rothman’s family, the protest should be restricted in order to prevent the publication of photographs of the minors, but he did not specify any restrictions. He suggested during the hearing that the parties agree that the activists would refrain from protesting in cases where minors are involved, so that their pictures would not be circulated. The protesters’ attorneys, Gabi Lasky and Gonen Ben Yitzhak, objected, calling this a violation of the right to protest.

Rothman and his wife Hannah filed the order against 400 activists in the WhatsApp group “Finding and harassing Rothman.” They claimed that the activists were planning to disrupt their family vacation, held this past weekend. Judge Mohana limited Rothman’s request at the hearing to only three activities, criticizing its very filing. He said that the protest “seems to meet the definition of permitted political activity.” At a previous hearing, last week, the judge recommended that Rothman bring his suit to the civil courts.

After the ruling on Sunday, Rothman tweeted that he is glad that “the court saw fit to draw a clear line differentiating the freedoms of protest and demonstration, which are very important, and the harassment, badgering and harming of an elected official’s family.” He added that he intends to file civil suits as the judge recommended. “Even if I believe the line should be drawn elsewhere, the very drawing of it is very important.”

At the hearing, Rothman attacked Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, for not seeking an order on his behalf against intimidating harassment, at her own initiative – as she did in the past for the prosecutor in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cases, Liat Ben-Ari. “My filing the request could be a sign of my trust in the system, but it is a sign of disgrace for the law enforcement system for not doing it themselves,” said Rothman. “The attorney general should be standing here in my place. They declined repeated appeals to do so.”

Judge Mohana clarified that he refrained from issuing a restraining order at last week’s hearing, setting another hearing on the matter, in order to hear all facts. “The right to protest is legitimate and extant, but what bothers me here is that Rothman is on a private vacation with his family which includes minors,” said the judge.

Rothman said that while protest always entails some disturbance of the peace and some invasion of privacy, “in this event there is no desire to protest at an event. Here the goal is persecution, badgering, and humiliation. The goal is to ruin the vacation. The goal of a protest is non-existent.”

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